Practice Area Focus: Timeshare Terminations

Timeshare companies sell their product by promising consumers a lifetime of dream vacations. In reality, many consumers find themselves stuck in a timeshare nightmare.
They may feel tricked by manipulative and high pressure sales tactics. The resort they bought into might be perpetually unavailable or not nearly as nice as the salesperson promised. They may have converted their timeshare into points only to find out that the points constantly lose value to inflation by the timeshare company.
In the end, these consumers may feel trapped paying high maintenance fees and higher mortgage payments for the timeshare company’s empty promises.
Many states, including South Carolina, have laws protecting consumers from deceptive sales practices used by the timeshare industry. Connor Law understands these laws and can help consumers escape the timeshare nightmare.

If you or someone you know is facing issues with a timeshare, contact Connor Law TODAY for a FREE case evaluation by an experienced attorney.


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